This article was written by Dor Lasker, Chief of Operations at Athchalta and Hilla Drechler, Director of the Zionist Enterprises Department at the World Zionist Organization. It was published on EJP on January 30 2025
The responses to the Oct. 7 pogrom and the subsequent wave of antisemitism worldwide led many unaffiliated young Jewish adults from Jewish communities worldwide to take a deeper look at their Jewish identity — and at the way Israel is part of their identity, too.

Over the past year, we have seen an increase in engagement with Jewish identity and journeys of self-discovery at both the community and individual levels. Alongside this “identity exploration,” there has been a rise in expressions of support and solidarity with Israel. Apathy toward Israel has diminished, with even some critical audiences moving beyond previous indifference or alienation.
The current challenge is how to make this “Jewish awakening” sustainable and enduring. How can we help unaffiliated young Jewish adults who want to strengthen their Jewish identity build a full and rich sense of Jewishness, grounded in a feeling of collective belonging beyond their individual journey? And how can we preserve and deepen their engagement with Israel, transforming it into a core principle of their Jewish identity?
This is not a new challenge. In fact, the Jewish establishment has been grappling with it for years. However, right now we face a window of opportunity that won’t stay open forever; indeed, it may not be as wide open as it was a year ago. Still, unique circumstances have created an unprecedented moment to address this long-standing challenge in a new way.
First, the newfound thirst for deeper Jewish identity and interest in Israel shows us that the assumption that the problem lies with young Jews themselves, and that their connection to Jewish identity and Israel is lost, needs to be revisited. Second, the notion that Jews are fragmented and no longer capable of collective efforts like the movement for Soviet Jewry of the 1980s collapses in the face of unprecedented unity, organization and mobilization in support of Israel. Third, Israel itself — long considered a controversial subject often “left out of the conversation” to avoid distancing people from the community — is attracting newcomers to the community and deepening Jewish engagement.
Marking one year since the Oct. 7 pogrom, the Zionist Enterprises Department of the World Zionist Organization (ZED), together with Atchalta, convened some 40 leaders from Israel involved in cultural Jewish identity across research, leadership development, education and philanthropy for a strategic workshop in Jerusalem. Together they explored ways to tackle this new challenge in a fresh way, leveraging the current window of opportunity to connect unaffiliated young Jewish adults to Israel via a framework of Jewish cultural identity. The convention was part of an ongoing effort by ZED to, as department head Silvio Joskowicz put it, “facilitate a safe space for meaningful dialogue, personal exploration and the building of a strong, inclusive community for younger generations with more complex relationships with traditional Jewish denominational streams, via the framework of Jewish cultural identity.”
Here are some of the ideas that emerged during the convention:
Focus on who they are, not who they aren’t
We need to shift our perspective on unaffiliated Jews: Instead of focusing on what they aren’t, let’s highlight what they are. True, these young Jewish adults are often not observant and do not belong to traditional or institutional Jewish frameworks, which may seem “too religious” or irrelevant to their Jewish identity and life choices (particularly for LGBTQ and those who marry “outside the tribe”). Nevertheless, their Jewish identity is present and meaningful in their lives. They describe taking pride in their Jewish identity, celebrating holidays, feeling a sense of tribalism and connecting to Judaism through family and pluralistic values. Additionally, as we’ve seen over the past year, they are not indifferent to Israel. Focusing on what they are and using positive terms rather than “un-” to describe them is the first cornerstone of creating a more meaningful Jewish cultural identity.
We need a joint effort to create a new definition for cultural Jewish identity
Unaffiliated young Jewish adults number in the millions worldwide, including in Israel. Hundreds of Jewish organizations in Israel and around the Jewish world are working to provide them with meaningful Jewish identity experiences, both within and outside the establishment. However, while other Jewish denominations can be relatively easily characterized despite internal differences, making them easier to self-identify with, the concept of cultural Jewish identity is more elusive. Broadly speaking, being a cultural Jew is more personal than being part of a movement.
Although cultural Jews typically connect to Judaism through cultural lenses (values, family, traditions, belonging, etc.) and not religious ones, they generally do not self-identify as “cultural Jews” but rather more simply as “Just Jews.” What’s missing is a unifying factor - a shared concept of cultural Jewish identity. A common definition for these young people with a cultural Jewish identity could give people something meaningful to identify with. This shared definition must strike a balance between being meaningful enough to serve as a ”’glue” and flexible enough to avoid becoming yet another label or fixation that some may reject.
We argue that the new challenge for world Jewry, both in the Diaspora and in Israel, will be to create a framework for cultural Jewish identity that establishes a new, shared identification space for millions of young Jews across the Jewish world, both in Israel and the Diaspora. This identity would be based on shared cultural and religious values, a mutual understanding of Jewish identity and a collective sense of responsibility for the fate of the Jewish people. Moving forward, this identity could even form a mission alliance - for instance, strengthening cultural Jewish identity as a means of sustaining a pluralistic/liberal Jewish existence for generations to come.
A broad tent, not an open tent
Ambitious, inspiring leadership, along with adaptability within the Jewish establishment, are required to seize this opportune moment. The Jewish establishment should operate as a broad tent, not an open tent, aiming not for the lowest common denominator to reach as many Jews as possible or to “dilute” the message, but rather to create content of real value, grounded in Jewish core values that reflect mutual responsibility, solidarity and a connection with Israel.
Establishing a complementary framework for cultural Jewish identity
A complementary framework should be established alongside existing frameworks, most of which are based on Judaism as a religion. It should be culturally Jewish in character and values, countering a trend, especially in the U.S., to create new frameworks disconnected from basic Jewish values, traditions and the Jewish calendar, instead leaning toward universalism. Such frameworks should not be judgmental and should create spaces where people can celebrate their Jewish identity through inclusive community and cultural activities.
Breaking down silos between organizations in Israel and the Diaspora
A key path to constructing a new, globally meaningful definition of cultural Jewish identity is to break down the silos among Jewish cultural identity ecosystems in Israel and the Diaspora. An “export department” should be encouraged for such organizations to reach audiences outside their own countries and foster cross-border cultural Jewish identity and partnerships among Jewish cultural organizations.
The ultimate goal: Establishing a new Jewish movement of Jewish cultural identity
The overarching goal would be to establish a new Jewish movement or stream. “The cultural Jewish movement,” if you will, would be globally, transcending cultures and political views, and allow non-religious young Jews to experience a richer Jewish identity while fostering a stronger connection to Israel.
The uniqueness of this movement lies in its agility. It functions as an interconnected ecosystem of institutions and communities, while also resonating deeply on a personal level and fostering a more nuanced, proactive Jewish identity. This applies even for individuals who have not directly participated in events or engaged actively with the Jewish cultural identity movement.
This may be the most effective way to shape future generations of non-religious Jews worldwide. Jewish communities need the courage to adapt to changing times and younger generations. This transformation is already happening from the bottom up, and now it’s time for the Jewish establishment to respond to remain relevant. Hilla Drechler is the director of the Zionist Enterprises Department at the World Zionist Organization. Dor Lasker is the chief of operations at Athchalta.